Radical Grace - the freely given, unmerited favor, and LOVE of God for ALL people.
You are welcome at Zion Lutheran Church - we share God’s gifts of love, grace, and forgiveness with our community - we want to share those gifts with you, too.
as shown to us by Jesus Christ, we reach out to our community with words and deeds, inviting them into a relationship with us and with Jesus.
Our Ministries
These are the actions we take as a Christian group in order to accomplish our mission - our call to serve this community. This includes offering Worship services, religious education, fellowship events, assistance to the needy, counseling for the grieving, community care, and the stewardship of creation.
We have a number of organizations that allow one to socialize and grow in faith. These include: the Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO); Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (WELCA); Men’s Group; Senior Citizens; and Quilting Angels.
We have active worship teams at Zion. Among these are: the Children’s Choir; the Adult Choir; the Praise Team, and those offering spiritual education. In addition, people can serve as Ushers, Assisting Ministers, Acolytes, and in many other worship areas.
The Local Community
We have joined with many groups to assist those in need locally, including: Backpack Buddies, the Effingham County Department of Family Services, Hosanna Helpers, and Manna House Ministries.
The Global Community
In addition to love offerings to provide assistance to families impacted by natural, medical, or other disasters, we also support several Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) ministry campaigns.