2024 Zion Lutheran Church VBS - SCUBA June 23rd-June 27th from 5pm-8:30pm

Join us as we Dive Into Friendship With God!

The free meal time allows everyone to get signed in and ready to go before the program starts at 6pm. During that time, the kids will also have an opportunity to ride on our “Submarine” Shuttle around the Zion grounds (they will be given a special Shuttle ticket after they complete their meal).

At 6pm, we start with a fun opening, full of music and discussion of the daily Bible point. Then, each Crew of kids rotates through three stations to enjoy and learn:

Experience the daily Bible Story in an emotionally and physically immersive way!

Each day, you can dive into fun crafts that connect to the day’s Bible Story.

For even more fun, there is outdoor play that is tied to the daily and main theme of the VBS - Dive Into Friendship with God!

Don’t feel left out, grown ups! We also have an Adult Crew, guided by our own Pastor Ben, which will give you a fun time learning the Bible Points in a more advanced way, and allow you to be close to your children the entire week!

To learn more about Zion’s 2024 VBS, you can call the church office at 912-728-3430 Monday through Friday from 9:30am-2:30pm.

If you would like to take care of the registration paper work early, you can print, fill out, and bring this form when you come to VBS. Just click here.

  • We ask that you fill out a form for each person attending, including adults, so we know about any allergies or medical conditions.

  • Please bring the form in with you on June 23rd at 5:00pm to help speed up the registration process.

We can’t wait to see you at Zion Lutheran Church’s 2024 VBS!